August 2023

Towards Sustainable Aviation: ClimOP Green Recommendations

2023-08-01T17:12:59+02:00August 1st, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

The European research project ClimOP is focused on the identification and assessment of the most promising operational improvements to reduce the climate impact of aviation. In the final phase of the project, promising mitigation strategies are investigated to enable the implementation of these […]

May 2023

Towards Aviation Sustainability – ClimOP Final Dissemination Event

2023-06-28T09:39:11+02:00May 3rd, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

A Comprehensive Strategy to Lower Aviation CO2 and non-CO2 Emissions

To achieve the environmental sustainability goals decided by the European Union through FlightPath 2050, EU-funded ClimOP has researched which aspects of aviation operations can be implemented to reduce the climate impact of the aeronautic industry. Specifically, […]

March 2023

Climate Neutral Aviation: Sustainable Operations

2023-03-22T15:09:24+01:00March 22nd, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

During the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2019, it was highlighted that the synergic application of strategies including technological advancements, market-based measures, and operational improvements is necessary to achieve the aviation sustainability goals [1]. Computational models allow to explore the effectiveness of different […]

January 2023

October 2022

Reducing Aviation’s Climate Impact with In-Flight Measures: ‘Flying low and slow’ and ‘Climate-optimised Intermediate Stop Operations’

2022-10-26T12:16:45+02:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Global aviation and its emissions contribute to anthropogenic impact on climate. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a long-term effect on climate over several decades, with the consequence that the CO2 greenhouse effect is independent of daytime, altitude and weather situation. Unlike non-CO2 emission’s climate impact, CO2 […]

September 2022

July 2022

Collaborating towards sustainable aviation

2022-07-20T17:03:43+02:00July 20th, 2022|Categories: News|

Sustainable aviation requires a collective effort to change actual operations with newer and most-efficient ones. The ClimOP Consortium knows it well. That’s why we have always strived to build synergies with projects with the same purpose: reducing aviation’s climate impact!

Throughout the years, ClimOP invested develop synergies with its sister projects […]

May 2022

Testing Optimised Flight Trajectories

2022-05-19T17:13:57+02:00May 19th, 2022|Categories: News|

One possibility to reduce the climate impact of aviation is the avoidance of climate-sensitive regions, which is synonymous with climate-optimised flight planning. Those regions can be identified by algorithmic functions for nitrogen oxides (NOx), water vapour (H2O) as well as contrail cirrus, which provide a measure of climate effects associated […]

March 2022

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