Climate change is already happening, and every action matters. On the one hand, it is fundamental to reduce the impact of Aviation on climate. On the other hand, it is crucial to ensure that the actions to mitigate the Aviation impact on climate are effective in a changing climate. This is particularly true when long-term measures are applied, for instance, any improvement of the existing infrastructure. This might include the upgrade of airport infrastructure towards higher energy efficiency standards as well as any foreseeable modification on the fleet to meet new regulations. How can we be sure that the actions towards a more sustainable Aviation are climate-proof?

Using the wealth of available climate data is the only way to make climate-smart decisions. However, there is still a wide gap between the available climate knowledge and information, and what is actually used by the Aviation stakeholders. Regardless of the European effort to expand the reach of climate data through initiatives such as the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), this wealth of information is rarely exploited by decision-makers and other Aviation stakeholders. The main problem is that this data is hard to reach and complex to interpret for non-climate experts. Accounting for the changes already taking place on our planet in the long-term decisions requires a careful translation of climate science into innovative risk assessments.

Raw numbers fighting the climate change

Amigo is the first Italian SME aiming at democratizing climate data by transforming it into actionable information. Its mission is to act as an interpreter and to translate the raw numbers such that the hidden value arises. To face this brand-new challenge, Amigo heavily relies on Research and Innovation. Besides ClimOp, the company is currently involved in three other H2020 projects on climate change effects on the insurance market, the rural development and the infrastructure management in Europe and Africa. This month, Amigo has also started an ESA Kick-Start Activity to expand its reach and impact to agriculture insurance and potentially the agri-food market as a whole thanks to satellite data.

The expertise of Amigo will ensure that the mitigation strategies suggested by ClimOp will be applicable over the long run. The analysis of long-term climate projections will clarify whether the considered operational improvements are under threats because of the forecasted climate conditions. This long-term perspective will be applied to both in-flight and ground operations. The goal is to answer questions such as “How will the effectiveness of promoting specific flight operations change in the future due to climate change?” and “What are the long-term advantages of investing in energy-efficient infrastructure in a changing climate?”. For a long-lasting green revolution, we need to build a sustainable Aviation that is also resilient to climate change. And the time to act is now.

 Visit the Amigo website to discover more about their activities!