Recently, Youmanist interviewed our Project Coordinator Alessandra Tedeschi to know more about how ClimOP is seeking to develop greener aviation procedures. The Italian magazine is a project of BNP Paribas committed to raising awareness about cultural values such as social responsibility, environmental sustainability and inclusion of the diversity.

During the talk, many key aspects of ClimOP emerged. In the beginning, the interview discussed how R&D projects that identify new sustainable operations can contribute to the resume of the aviation sector by proposing innovative business models able to deliver passengers with a renewed image of air travel.

Later on, Ms Tedeschi argued why ClimOP differs from other projects that aim to mitigate the climate impact of aviation. In particular, from those who try to develop more efficient flight trajectories or biofuels. In fact, instead of choosing to develop new technologies, ClimOP focuses on the aviation sector as a whole. This allows the Consortium to imagine greener aviation procedures and maintain the costs low. Indeed, ClimOP takes into consideration all the stakeholders and aviation operations from the production chain until flight procedures.

ClimOP presented many ideas on how to increase the sustainability of the aviation sector. For example, employing electric buses on the runways, single-engine taxiing or electric or hybrid ground vehicles to tow the aeroplanes. Or again, flying lower (for a faster disposal of the emissions) and implementing intermediate stops for long-haul flights. In this way, aircraft can fly with half-full tanks and reduce from 5% to 25% of consumption.

Finally, the interviewer asked if ClimOP expects that the mitigations strategies would reduce the convenience of low-cost flight. To this, the Project Coordinator replied that the mitigation strategies will need a set of incentives to support their implementation.

Read the interview: “L’Italia guida l’azione europea per un trasporto aereo più pulito“.